Jiangsu Research Institute of Industrial Technology visited East National Center for Technology Transfer

In the afternoon of Jan. 8, Liu Qing, President of Jiangsu Research Institute of Industrial Technology, Liu Yujun, Senior Business Director, Zhu Jinbo, Senior Business Manager and Jin Jing, Business Director of the Institute visited the Eastern National Technology Transfer Center.

At the exchange meeting, Mr. Yan Mingfeng, CEO of the Eastern National Technology Transfer Center, gave an introduction of the business of the Eastern Center, followed by Mr. Chen Jing, Deputy General Manager of CENTI GROUP Shanghai, the investment arm of the Eastern Center, giving an introduction of the company's existing business and the model of building international resources. President Liu Qing introduced the business of Jiangsu Research Institute of Industrial Technology in the mode of "4-3".

At the same time, the two sides also focused on the integration of technology transfer "result + service" model, park operation, internationalization channel construction and other aspects of in-depth discussions. Afterwards, the East Center and Jiangsu Industrial Research Institute will conduct further cooperation and communication on the business cooperation points between the two sides.

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