2021 Global Technology Transfer Conference (INNO-MATCH EXPO) Semiconductor Results Presentation

0Background of the meeting
2021 Global Technology Transfer Conference, focusing on the theme of technology transfer, attracts global innovation resources and innovation think tanks to gather in Shanghai, together with representatives of famous industry associations, institutions, innovative enterprises and research institutes at home and abroad, to explore the global technology transfer trend and focus on the important topic of "Ten Thousand 'Elephants The theme of the event will attract global innovation resources and innovation think tanks to gather in Shanghai, and representatives of famous industry associations, innovative enterprises, research institutes and so on.

From the closing year of the Thirteenth Five-Year Plan to 2021, the beginning of the Fourteenth Five-Year Plan, scientific and technological innovation and market mechanism reform have always been a part of China's development path. In order to build a modern socialist country, we must adhere to science and technology as the first priority, play the key and central role of scientific and technological innovation, take scientific and technological self-reliance and self-improvement as the strategic support for national development, and climb to the peak of science and technology with indomitable and hard-working spirit to promote high-quality development.

As one of the national strategic emerging industries, semiconductor is also an important science and technology industry with full global division of labor and synergy. At present, China has a certain historical cycle in the development of semiconductors, and after a long period of research and development, introduction and innovation, relatively speaking, a certain scale of industrial structure has been formed. The domestic semiconductor industry is in the stage of rapid development of both technology and talents, so this time, we will set up a results conference at the global technology transfer conference (INNO-MATCH EXPO) to gather high-quality enterprises and service units in the domestic semiconductor industry and discuss the path of technology transformation in the semiconductor industry together.

0Time and place
Time: June 2, 2021, afternoon

Venue: East Room, Conference Room M2, Shanghai Exhibition Center, Shanghai Exhibition Center (1000 Yan'an Middle Road, Jing'an District, Shanghai)

0Organization of the session

Special support.Pujiang Innovation Forum, Global Technology Transfer Conference

Organized by.Shanghai Science and Technology Entrepreneurship Center, Shanghai Technology Transfer Service Alliance

Hosted by.Shanghai Technology Market Association, National Technology Transfer East Center, Shanghai Xinze Venture Capital Management Co.

Contractor.Xinbi Sheng Technology Development Shanghai Co.

backingUnit.Shanghai Science and Innovation Star Association


Leading universities and research institutes in the semiconductor field, leading industry companies, semiconductor industry associations and other relevant organizations, well-known capital, media and other institutions will be invited to participate in this conference.

Representatives of listed companies and institutions to attend the conference.


0Agenda of the event
2021 Global Technology Transfer Conference (INNO-MATCH EXPO)

Semiconductor Results Launch Schedule

0How to register

Add WeChat to register (please note company name + name)


Name: Zhang Yuhui

Tel: 15821067644

E-mail: zhangyh@zjmit.com

2021 Pujiang Innovation Forum - Global Technology Transfer Conference will be held at Shanghai Exhibition Center from May 31 to June 2, visitor registration is now open, scan the QR code below to register.After successful submission, scan the code again to enter and see your information, you are registered successfully!

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