Entrepreneurship, Motivation, Technology, Emotion-National Technology Transfer Eastern Center holds business training conference for technical teams

Technology transfer work is a highly specialized and involved venture, or it can be described as a beautiful adventure. The more you risk the unprecedented risk, the risk of racing ideas at double speed, and the risk of more and more opponents, the more beautiful the result and the more difficult the process. For this reason, it also reminds everyone engaged in technology transfer to constantly enrich themselves, add new knowledge, learn new methods, understand new models, and systematically clarify each operational link in the technology transfer chain. In order to improve the working efficiency, enrich knowledge and experience, and expand the thinking and vision of each employee of the Eastern Center, on September 8, the Eastern National Technology Transfer Center, together with its clean energy sub-platform - Yumo Consulting, conducted a technology transfer team training and business discussion on the service system of the technology transfer platform.


The clean energy sub-platform of the Eastern National Technology Transfer Center is the first and only professional organization in China to engage in international clean technology transfer. During the training, Dr. Xu Rong, the founder of Yumo, enthusiastically shared his understanding of technology transfer and some successful cases and experiences with the audience.


Dr. Rong Xu is a Ph.D. in biology from Fudan University, received an elite education in Europe and the United States, and has held senior management positions in General Electric and Life Technologies since 2005, responsible for the development of the Chinese market and the implementation of global strategies, Lean Six Sigma Black Belt, and has nearly 10 years of experience in corporate operations, technology consulting and development, and manufacturing management. As a returning PhD in biology, he gave up his gold-collar status in a multinational foreign company and plunged into the clean energy technology transfer business with a passion for science and technology, and began to implement his own integration of technology and dreams.

Dr. Xu Rong introduced the O2O eco-model of cleantech technology transfer, which provides a variety of business cooperation opportunities in technology, market and investment fields through online communication, social networking, search and matching and other ways to customize services according to the different needs of customers. The integrated technology transfer channels are optimized for the Chinese market, with a view to linking global enterprises and institutions. Dr. Xu also emphasized that it may be as simple as finding your passion or discovering your original dream to love something.


Dr. Xu Rong's speech aroused everyone's scientific and technological sentiments and provoked heated discussions. The staff of the Eastern National Technology Transfer Center Research Institute also briefly introduced its technology service system, including intellectual property services, consulting services, financial services and talent services, which is committed to helping clients find overseas acquisition targets that match their technology routes, are reasonably priced and offer reliable deals, and complete mergers and acquisitions together with them. Industrialization.

Recently, the application for the construction of Shanghai's technology intermediary service system is about to be launched, so during the training, the Eastern Center Research Institute and the Group Strategic Development Center gave a detailed explanation of the technology intermediary service innovation voucher program to the employees. The technology intermediary service innovation voucher, as a way to support the enterprise side, will encompass parts of two major service industries. This year's S&T service system will support the following four main topics.


At the end of the training, Yan Mingfeng, CEO of the National Technology Transfer Eastern Center, concluded that we need to take our own path of technology transfer, but we also need to learn from experience and keep pace with the development of the times. The training not only shared a series of experiences and cases, but also was a great integration of scientific and technological feelings. Mr. Yan is always full of expectation for the future of the East Center, and many possibilities have been tried out. We also hope that the technology transfer business will have a sense of love and flavor.

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