Salute the backbone of the nation by moving forward even harder!

The word scientist is both far and near to us. When we were young, those figures who wore white clothes and held a microscope in their hands, able to create magical wonders, were our hope for the future. As we grew up, we found them not only in mysterious laboratories, but also in fields, construction sites, and many hospital wards where people walked for help.

Photo of Tu Youyou's work profile Photo credit: Xinhua News Agency

Figure is Yuan Longping academician work photo image source: Xinhua News Agency reporter Lu Bo sho sho photography

Pictured is FAST project founder Nam Rentong at the construction site of the Grand Cotai (Dec. 31, 2013) Photo credit: Xinhua News Agency

Photo shows academicians Li Lanjuan and Zhong Nanshan, image courtesy of the Internet.

They were ordinary, but they can use extraordinary contributions to create more possibilities for mankind and provide more protection for us. They are not only scientists and not only scientists, they are the pioneers of exploration for all mankind, but also the guardians behind everyone.

Today is National Scientist Day.

We pay tribute to all outstanding scientists who have contributed to the development of science and technology in the country.

As well as everyone to devote to the cause of science and technology, hard-working colleagues

With the utmost respect!

As one of the model national technology transfer centers to build the backbone network and regional hub of China's technology transfer service system, the Eastern National Technology Transfer Center (hereinafter referred to as the "ETC") is deeply aware of the important tasks ahead and has a stronger motivation to promote the development of technology transfer in the future. With the goal of exploring the future development model, all the staff of the Eastern Center held a meeting yesterday morning to share and discuss the ideas and plans of each department for future business promotion.

Since March 2020, when Eastern Center reorganized its business and structure, it has been committed to exploring the platform's market transformation and business model. The theme of this staff meeting was "What's the Future in a Year of Change", and each department shared their business contents. Analysis of the event and community as a brand marketing test; Innovation Coupon Operations Department shared the current status and future development plan of technology innovation coupons; Technology Mall Operations Department launched the 2.0 version of the small program and briefly analyzed the work vision of Technology Mall 2020; International Technology Exchange Market explained the necessity of market construction and execution plan from the topic of survival; Personnel Administration Department proposed the talent The importance of cultivation and risk prevention, from process to execution to strictly control the risk, in order to escort the market operation; cooperation and training department with a film dubbing and recitation of the domestic branch center business operations to point out the pain points of difficulty, and the idea of market operation.

After listening to the diversified ideas of each department, all the leaders of the president's office also shared their ideas. Vice President Frank Zhu introduced the results of the first half of the domestic branch center's work, the future model of the large market and the development plan of training. Vice President Chen Chao shared his thoughts on the market landing from the actual work of the international technology market construction and the influence of the eastern center's platform. Vice President Li Li talked about the importance of technology transfer and how we can better grasp the opportunities and accomplish our career in the new era.
Mr. Zou Shujun, CEO of the East Center, made a concluding speech on the theme of team building, stressing the importance of talent, pointing out that we should build a team capable of fighting battles from the formation of the team to the cultivation of talents, and that every employee should grow up in the team.
At the end of the conference, President Zou Shujun announced the staff training program, which plans to cultivate a number of elites for the company through systematic training courses, group learning and business combat.

On the afternoon of May 29th, the first staff training course "Open Innovation in Large Enterprises" officially started. From the concept and history of open innovation in large enterprises to the practical exploration and model establishment of open innovation in large enterprises, from theories, models to case studies, every participant actively participated in the discussion of knowledge reserves and problems, not only shared their perceptions and gained knowledge, but also gave new thoughts to the problems of work practice.
As a national technology transfer service platform, talent is one of the core strengths of the platform, and meeting the challenges of market-oriented changes is the only way to build the platform.

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