2018 Blockchain + Industry Integration and Development Forum and the Launch of the Eastern Center of National Technology Transfer Blockchain Industry Center Successfully Concluded

On May 25, the "2018 Blockchain + Industrial Integration and Development Forum and the Launch of Blockchain Industry Center of Eastern National Technology Transfer Center" (hereinafter referred to as the "Launch") was held at the Lingang Area Development and Construction Management Committee (LADMC). Leaders and guests attending the event included Wu Xiaohua, a member of the party group and deputy director of the Lingang Management Committee, Gu Changshi, chief planner of industrial development of the Lingang Management Committee, Li Jia, deputy director of the Economic and Trade Office of the Lingang Management Committee, Yan Mingfeng, vice president of the National Technology Transfer Eastern Center, Sun Zhiming, director of the Shanghai Talent Training Market, Qu Lin, general manager of the Lingang Science and Technology Entrepreneurship Center, and relevant personnel of the Blockchain Industry Research Institute and other social teams.

The conference will focus on topics such as the technical applications of blockchain industry development and the prospects of industrial integration to communicate and discuss, introduce blockchain industry resources and application nodes, and build a blockchain industry center. The industrial center will carry out commercial operation, dock with blockchain industry resources, carry out the practice and application of blockchain industrialization, build a big data platform for the blockchain industry in Lingang, import key technologies, cultivate the blockchain industry, and achieve the goal of accelerating the development of Lingang's dual-creation industry through the combination of blockchain cutting-edge technology and various application scenarios.

The whole event is divided into two sessions, the first half is the "National Technology Transfer Eastern Center Blockchain Industry Center Conference", the second half is "2018 Blockchain + Industrial Integration Development Forum".

The newest member of the team is Mr. Wu Xiaohua, deputy director of Lingang Management Committee.

At the press conference, firstly, Wu Xiaohua, a party member and deputy director of Lingang Management Committee, made a speech. He started from the positioning of Lingang itself, and made an outlook on the future industrial development and planning of Lingang. Then Qu Lin, general manager of Shanghai Lingang Science and Technology Innovation Center, the organizer of the meeting, made a keynote speech. He explained in detail "the development vision of the blockchain industry center and the specific content of the functional blocks" for the participants, which gave them a comprehensive understanding of the blockchain industry center.

The general manager of Lingang Innovation Center, Qu Lin, made a keynote speech.

Afterwards, Li Jia, Deputy Director of the Economic and Trade Office of the Lingang Management Committee, and Yan Mingfeng, CEO of the Eastern National Technology Transfer Center, unveiled the "Blockchain Industry Center of the Eastern National Technology Transfer Center", and Gu Changshi, Chief Planner of Industrial Development of the Lingang Management Committee, and Sun Zhiming, Director of the Shanghai Talent Training Market, unveiled the "Blockchain Industry Center of the Eastern National Technology Transfer Center". The "Shanghai International Community College Blockchain Industry Research Center" was inaugurated.

The newest edition of the "National Center for Technology Transfer East" will be held in Beijing on September 15, 2012.

The newest edition of the "Shanghai talent training market" will be held in Shanghai, China, on March 22nd, 2012.

Immediately afterwards, Dr. Bo Li, Director of the Blockchain Industry Research Center of Shanghai International Community College, delivered a keynote speech on "Talent Training and Technology Research in the Blockchain Era". After that, the appointment ceremony of the tutors of the Blockchain Industry Research Center was held. Sun Zhiming, Director of Shanghai Talent Training Market, and Qu Lin, General Manager of Lingang Science and Technology Entrepreneurship Center, presented certificates of appointment to ten tutors.

The director of Shanghai talent training market, Mr. Sun Zhiming, and the general manager of Lingang Technology and Entrepreneurship Center, Mr. Qu Lin, presented the certificate of appointment to the tutors.

Finally, Mr. Qu Lin, General Manager of Shanghai Lingang Technology and Entrepreneurship Center, signed a signing ceremony with three blockchain enterprises on behalf of Lingang International Intelligent Manufacturing Exhibition and Trade Center.

The newest and the most important is the newest and the most important...

The second half of the forum consisted of four keynote speeches and a roundtable discussion, starting with a keynote speech on "Application scenarios of blockchain technology in the real economy" by Mr. Feng Yikai, Chief Operating Officer of Shanghai Only Chain Information Technology Co. He started from the business of only chain in previous years, contact the actual scene, introduced the value of the blockchain: with the blockchain, enterprises can do a distributed collaboration or distributed trust, so that the whole business model and the way we collaborate to achieve a complete change.

The second guest speaker is Mr. Liu Tao, founder of Shanghai Wangchain Information Technology Co. Wangchain information built ion chain is a new Internet infrastructure platform based on blockchain and edge computing, which can provide events oriented to the future of the Internet of Things edge computing solutions. Mr. Liu Tao gave a vision based on the development of the blockchain according to the existing technology layers.

Mr. Liu Tao speaks on "Ion Chain".

Next, Mr. Xie Zhaoye, founder of Shanghai uchain Information Technology Co., Ltd. gave a speech on "Blockchain Application in the Enterprise Value Transfer Field", pointing out that blockchain will have good applications in personal data and in financial and other fields.

Mr. Guo-Liang Zhu, Founder and CEO of APAX Group and Chairman of Discovery Adventures Extreme Theme Park, also gave an interesting presentation. The topic of his presentation was Discovery Adventures Park Embracing Blockchain - a strategic application scenario for the blockchain industry hub. Through the cooperation with the cultural tourism industry to create iconic IP, they make it easier for people to understand some of the integration of technology and blockchain and innovation, and at the same time extend the strategic cooperation on the site.

The conference ended with a roundtable discussion on "How to pitch a blockchain unicorn." Everyone expressed their views and the discussion was very lively. In the group photo of all the leaders and guests, the conference officially came to an end.

▲ Roundtable - How to pitch a blockchain unicorn

The "2018 Blockchain + Industrial Integration and Development Forum" aims to build a big data platform for the blockchain industry in the Lingang region, cultivate the blockchain industry, so as to realize the cutting-edge technology of blockchain, combined with various application scenarios, accelerate the industrial development of the Lingang region, for China's blockchain technology to the world to step out of the solid! Step.

▲Group photo of leaders and guests

Introduction to the Blockchain Industry Center of the Eastern National Technology Transfer Center
01 General objectives

The construction of the blockchain industry center of the National Technology Transfer Eastern Center will focus on the research and development of block products and industrial application needs, based in Shanghai, radiating the country and facing the world, introducing technical resources in distributed storage, cloud computing, computer cryptography and other related fields, establishing and improving the technology evaluation system in the field of blockchain industry, relying on the National Technology Transfer Eastern Center, Shanghai Technology Exchange, Lingang International Intelligent Technology Center, the Shanghai Technology Exchange, and the Shanghai Technology Exchange. The manufacturing exhibition and trading center will build a variety of service platforms in the field of blockchain, such as talent cultivation, scientific research support, applied technology exhibition, industrial finance, etc., to build a blockchain industry center that integrates technology trading, incubation and guidance, science and technology finance, resource docking and other multi-functional functions, is rich in scientific and educational resources, has a strong industrial foundation, innovative operation mode and has important influence in the industry.

02 Operating philosophy

The industry center will plough in industry resources, expand the functions of news release, distributed data technology bank, intellectual property database, scenario-based application and technology transfer, incubate and accumulate industry outstanding enterprise resources, operate and promote professional media news release and industry activities as core IP, build entrepreneurial technology nursery, creative space and industrial park, combine industrial technology finance, and host research institutes and universities. and other innovative institutions, promote the multi-point linkage of the physical space of the blockchain industry, provide a solid foundation of cognition, data and resources for technology transactions, and advance the technology transactions in the field of blockchain industry.

03 Functional layout

The functions of the blockchain industry center are divided into five major sections: blockchain industry college, industry finance, industry service, industry research support and technology transfer.

Blockchain Industry Academy: In cooperation with the Shanghai talent training market, we will gather the best blockchain technology training teachers in Shanghai and the country to create a professional channel for blockchain talents to improve their technical skills, issue blockchain industry skills qualification certificates, and strive to become an influential higher vocational training institution in the industry and even in the world, and export excellent professionals to the majority of research and development and industrial enterprises in the blockchain field.

Industrial Finance SectorIt will gather the world's top investment institutions, establish a blockchain protocol system based on market logic and economic norms, support the large-scale commercial application of blockchain projects, explore more updated business models for distributed commerce, and establish a blockchain credit mechanism in financial and related fields, such as certificates of deposit and transactions, so as to promote communication and exchange between various blockchains across chains.

Industrial Services: Provide support for the blockchain industry chain, including talent support, capital support, base construction support, scientific research equipment support, policy and business support, creative space support, resource elements support and other services, establish industry technology innovation strategic alliances, carry out industry activities, connect with the government, head enterprises and space resources, build up the upstream and downstream industry docking ecosystem, link the market media and activities, and become an important part of the blockchain industry chain. The number one brand for industry releases and the number one place for makerspaces.

Industrial Research SupportThe company will set up a blockchain industry laboratory platform, establish a resource information data center, integrate advantageous R&D resources through cloud computing, carry out standard research, underlying technology R&D, industrial application development and other blockchain industry scientific research support services, guide enterprises to integrate blockchain technology with other IT technologies such as artificial intelligence through a cloud platform and big data technology, and integrate blockchain into the underlying structure through artificial intelligence. This will help us to learn and refine the data, more effectively connect with industrial factors, promote industrial technology and business model innovation, transform "industry-university-research" to "government-industry-university-research-use" synergistic development, and enhance industrial value.

Technology transfer segmentBlockchain Industry Center: Take the intellectual property database as an entry point, introduce the trading system of Shanghai Technology Exchange, and promote the landing of technology in the fields of sale, investment and production; set up a blockchain technology expert committee to do professional evaluation for the technology evaluation of the blockchain industry, realize multi-dimensional verification of technology, and make a solid data base and practical foundation for technology transfer; build the Lingang International Intelligent Manufacturing Exhibition Center. Blockchain dedicated exhibition area to showcase the most cutting-edge blockchain technology. Take advantage of the unique technology transfer attributes of the exhibition trading center to promote the traditional application of blockchain technology and integrate more application scenarios on the ground.

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